Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Art tour is NOT into the wild

Art tour is NOT into the wild

I just finished rereading into the wild for the who knows-nth time.  And I have drawn a new conclusion from all of this.  Yes, art tour is a little more unconventional and sometimes slightly less comfortable than a typical lifestyle, but I think many people put what I'm currently doing on a wilderness pedestal of sorts.  I am rolling around turtle style with my house on my back, I know where I'm going to sleep every single night, I also know that bed is going to be dry and warm enough.  The only effort I have to make is choosing where to park it. Which is really at times a pretty lackluster decision. Most of the time it's in friends' driveways, sometimes it's as crazy as in a walmart parking lot.  Nothing quite says "I'm off the grid" like being connected to the worlds biggest retail conglomerate by a a bunch of asphalt and fuckin' street lights.  My preference would be to pull off some deserted dirt road and fall asleep in the dark listening to crickets and frogs, but it seems that the US isn't really set up for that. So I wonder, do you have to go to Alaska for a real into the wild adventure? All of the "wilderness areas" have a fleet of park rangers constantly patrolling which in my opinion kind of contradicts the word wilderness in my opinion.
So I've come up with a scale of 1 to 100, 1 being that you drive your 2014 Camry to your 40 hour a week cubicle prison.  100 is venturing into the Alaskan wilderness for 118 days with Only 5 lbs of rice and a small gun to ultimately die from ingesting a fungus so rare that it took years of research after his death before they realized that the fungus indeed killed him not a careless mix up between an edible and poisonous plant. I'd say art tour is somewhere around a 50 at best.
It's just an unusual job really.  There are so many things about traveling around slangin art that are so totally awesome, don't get me wrong. I can't imagine sitting in an office, and even sitting in my house in Maui was in many ways less exciting than traveling around.  There were certainly many things about Maui that were way awesomer than the RV mainland life, but I do feel more productive right now.
And I guess I'm really just working to set myself up for my Kauai off the grid garden dream house that I'm manifesting in the next few years. !!!

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