Tuesday, May 26, 2015

The weather gods are punishing me for bailing on a show because of weather

So back on Mothers day weekend I was scheduled to do a show in St Louis called Laumeier that is probably the best show I’ve been accepted into to date.  I was super excited about this show as I hadn’t had a show in a few weeks between my Florida circuit and that was to kick off my summer in the Midwest.  I had been watching the weather pretty closely which as it turns out is never a good thing in the Midwest because to be safe, they always forecast thunderstorms every single day just to be  safe.  Combine that with the fact that many parts of the Midwest have had the rainiest spring EVER – like more rain in May than they usually have in the entire year kind of rainiest.  Fantastic for art shows right? 
Hoorah.  So Friday morning I’m scheduled to set up and it’s pouring down rain so although I think I had already kind of made up my mind to bail, I finally decided to call and actually tell them I wasn’t coming.  They seemed unamused, and I’m pretty sure I won’t ever get accepted to that show again.  It did rain for all of Friday, and all of Saturday and actually was decent on Sunday, but rained during breakdown and I heard that getting out of there was a disaster because it was on a field so no one could drive to their booth to pick up their stuff.  But despite the weather a friend of mine who did the show did awesome and when he told me that, plagued me with regret of having bailed, ESPECIALLY after what the skies had in store for me the next few weekends. 
Flash forward to Tulsa,  the weather forecast is looking worse than St Louis did and now I’m here and I cant bail again!! Plus when Oklahoma has thunderstorms tornadoes always seem to follow! Just what I need, more tornadoes.  If you read my blog about how I was greeted as I got to OK for the first time last year by a tornado, then.. ya.  So these are the two times of which I am to formulate my opinion of Oklahoma as a whole, last year’s tornado followed by more rain than Ive ever seen at one time followed by like hundred degree brutal heat with even hotter, even more brutal, unrelenting wind.  So pretty much 360 degrees of everything shitty about weather all rolled into a few days.  Ok, back to 2015,  I get to Tulsa, rains Wednesday, rains for much of Thursday but we actually got to set up in the dry.  Then the weather gods seemed to smile on us a little bit and despite the weather forecast it actually didn’t rain at all the entire time we were open over the weekend with the exception of a crazy gnarley storm Saturday night that sent probably an entire foot high of water rushing through our booth since we were next to the curb.  The water was so high that it went over the curb above the storm drain into the bar!! The water level was so high that it flooded businesses. I was watching the news and they were playing someone’s iphone video of the few inches of water in their house and their dog kept wandering around trying to find a dry place to sit, he was not amused!.  And if the nasty, foot high river of street water rushing through our booth getting literally every single one of my friend’s 200+ t shirts that he had in Rubbermaid containers wasn’t enough, the lightning did not stop for like 3 hours while I was trying to sleep in my RV as I hoped that I and every single thing I own in this world, didn’t get swept away in a tornado.  Then once I had somewhat toned out the lightning and was almost asleep, the tornado sirens started.  So for someone who isn’t from Oklahoma, a tornado in the same state as me is too close, but for people from here apparently, if its not in your front yard, it doesn’t really matter, and you’d rather not be bothered with sirens.  Me on the other hand, I’m thinking about how long it’s going to take me to sprint to the parking garage of my friend’s hotel which I would assumedly be safe in the case of a tornado.  I didn’t have nearly as good a night as all of the kids who are apparently unphased by tornadoes and torrential rain and were bar hopping walking through the parking lot I was parked in. 
No significant damage was done to us or our stuff. 
Flash forward to next weekend in Oklahoma city.  So the whole time I was in Tulsa, everyone kept saying in regards to the storm, don’t worry, they always hit Oklahoma city and then die, tornados never hit here, but now I’m supposed to go do the same thing in the place that is in Tulsa’s opinion, the tornado magnet? The forecast was not looking good this weekend either, and did not disappoint.  With the exception of a brief dry few hours for set up, it did not stop raining from Friday night until Sunday morning – literally.  With Saturday night having tornado warnings and actual floods all around the area including between my RV and anything else, so that was fun.  Everything that I own was wet! Everything!!! Sunday just rained, all day,  at one point we all zipped up our tents, sat inside them and watched the rivers flow through our tents.  During these street rivers both Saturday night and Sunday day, onions from some food truck has washed over and deposited themselves in every single persons booth among other nasty street food like what I think to be soggy funnel cake and potato chips.  There was an underlying smell of onions that combined with having to sweep out of my tent nasty soggy probably has been in a trashcan already grilled onions, I’m pretty sure I cant ever eat onions again.  I had to light a candle in my booth to get rid of the smell so I didn’t puke all day.  I am seriously never eating onions again.  Seriously.  Monday morning came and had promised to bring nicer weather,  not when I woke up.  It was dreary but was the perfect time to find someone to tow my RV out of the muddy pit that had become of the grassy artist parking lot.  That was such a fun experience because my RV was basically facing a building and the tow rope was like 100 ft long so I basically had to be pulled at probably a 75 degree angle from what was actually forward for me, as the rope hit trashcans and a retrofitted schoolbus now used as a art show vehicle trying to get me out of the mud. There were some pretty substantial tire marks, no, lets call them holes, there were some pretty substantial holes left in the grass lot. 
A few hours later, the sun basically blinded everyone whose pupils had adjusted to the month of gloom that OK as a whole has been experiencing for a majority of the midday while we all watched the weather in anticipation of yet another nasty storm that was brewing in Texas and headed our way.  Sure enough, a few hours later the sun was gone and this time there was actual wind that I was pretty sure was trying to blow my tent over during break down.  Luckily no damage, but everything that wasn’t yet soggy, got soggy and I drove back to Tulsa to reunite with the Beanster battling probably 50mph winds that looked like they were going to blow the trees on the side of the highway straight over.  I was greeted by what are arguably the worst roads in the entire world in Tulsa, if you’ve ever been to Tulsa, you know. It’s like they intentionally made them this bad, this is no accident, someone is pissed at Tulsa and taking their anger out on the populous via the road system! 

And now the sun is shining!!! Thanks weather gods, I learned my lesson.

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